Sustainable Investing

Sustainable Investing

Sustainable Investing

Use Interactive Brokers’ suite of environmental, social and governance (ESG) tools to develop your own conscious investing plan. Align your investments with what you care about most.

Impact Dashboard

Does your portfolio make the grade? Identify the values that are important to you, tag the practices you find objectionable and use the Impact Dashboard to ensure your investments align with your values.

Learn About Impact Dashboard

IMPACT Desktop Dashboard Sample Image
IMPACT Sample Image for Mobile, Tablet and Laptop

ESG Scores

Invest Responsibly. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) scores are available on all of our platforms. Receive alerts when ESG news may affect the scores of the companies you’re following.

Learn About ESG Scores

Additional Tools and Resources

Fundamentals Explorer

Fundamentals Explorer

Better Research. Better Decisions. See companies' ESG scores in the context of fundamentals in our redesigned Fundamentals Explorer.



Use PortfolioAnalyst to consolidate, track and analyze your complete financial performance, and see how well it aligns with your ESG values across all of your investments. PortfolioAnalyst also tracks your checking, savings, annuities, incentive plans and credit card accounts so you can understand your current financial state.